In the recent turn of events Speak Asia COO Tarak Bajpai was detained for interrogation by the Economic Offenses Wing of the Mumbai police and questioned by the law enforcement agencies on Friday. The online survey company Speak Asia hit controversy in a multi-crore scam that duped people in the name of giving high rewards from online survey.
The strict move comes just two days after the investigation agency CID froze the assets of the fraud online survey company's bank accounts. He was arrested in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
Speak Aisa COO Mr. Tarak Bajpai, who is the most prominent face of the online survey company's India operations will be flown from Indore to Mumbai for more investigations by the agency.
Speak Asia is being investigated by the CID for a multi-level fraud which came into light after FIRs and PILs were filed against it. The company in its defense maintained that it collects money only for its online magazine and that the online surveys are just a benefit.
Speaking to CNN-IBN, Kirit Somaiya said that three other officials of speak Asia are likely to be arrested soon. Meanwhile, finance minister of india Mr. Pranab Mukherjee had assured that strong action would be done at the initial stage so that such frauds do not go on. Hope Pranab Mukherjee gives some assurance in Parliament this session.
The active participation from the government and agencies is also sorted out for a quick and effective trial of the Speak Asia fraudsters and justice be given to the duped.
The strict move comes just two days after the investigation agency CID froze the assets of the fraud online survey company's bank accounts. He was arrested in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
Speak Aisa COO Mr. Tarak Bajpai, who is the most prominent face of the online survey company's India operations will be flown from Indore to Mumbai for more investigations by the agency.
Speak Asia is being investigated by the CID for a multi-level fraud which came into light after FIRs and PILs were filed against it. The company in its defense maintained that it collects money only for its online magazine and that the online surveys are just a benefit.
Speaking to CNN-IBN, Kirit Somaiya said that three other officials of speak Asia are likely to be arrested soon. Meanwhile, finance minister of india Mr. Pranab Mukherjee had assured that strong action would be done at the initial stage so that such frauds do not go on. Hope Pranab Mukherjee gives some assurance in Parliament this session.
The active participation from the government and agencies is also sorted out for a quick and effective trial of the Speak Asia fraudsters and justice be given to the duped.